Nathaniel Branden once said, “Here is my two-word prescription for personal growth: Stop lying!” Or something very close to that, anyway. Here is how I interpreted this.
The Freedom Preacher discusses principles of a rational society while applying them to current events.
Freedom Preacher Background
Rather than waiting for some magical day when the world around me would rearrange itself according to my specifications, there were things I could do that would get me closer to the kind of career and life that I wanted.
Had to work on conflicts. But which ones?
My need — maybe “obsession” is more accurate — to understand and, hopefully, to do something about this disconnect between what most of us say we want and the conflict-ridden world we have created has led me to become the Freedom Preacher.
Starting to look for answers
It turned out my family did not have a monopoly on conflict and irrationality. Time to start figuring this out.
Freedom does not mean license
Freedom does not mean license. You don’t have to go to class, but you can’t mess things up for those that want to.
A Cold War story: “They are people just like us!”
This just blew my young mind! The point was not to demonize either side — it was that the roles were completely interchangeable, and it really didn’t matter which side of the fence you were on when the missiles started to fly.
Why we think we can control others
Among their many charms, cats are great instructors about the futility of trying to control others. Even when it is “for their own good.”