Freedom Preacher Zoom Sessions
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Who might want to join a Freedom Preacher Zoom Session? Why?
Maybe you’ve had another bad day at work. Maybe you seem to be arguing with someone important to you—and it seems like it’s happening more frequently.
Or maybe you are just sick and tired of what seems like the hopelessness and endless conflict of our world. You don’t see why it has to be this way, yet it continues.
Maybe you would like to talk about this with someone. But who?
Chances are you would want at least some of the following:
- Someone who understands and feels some of the same frustration. Maybe several “someones.”
- Someone who is not going to judge you or otherwise give you a bad time.
- And maybe even someone who can come up with a new perspective on some of the frustrations we face.
Albert Einstein said that it is impossible to solve a problem in the same state of mind in which the problem was created. Many of the daily frustrations in our world result from our conflict driven society.
We would be happier in a happier world. The real challenge is becoming happier in this world.
Get a taste of a happier world in a Freedom Preacher Zoom Session!
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