Our world is broken. Don’t let it break you.

Freedom Preacher

Our world is broken. Don’t let it break you.

The Freedom Preacher Interview

I appreciate your interest in joining a freedom preacher zoom session. I’m hoping to create a community of like-minded people who are determined to create happy and productive lives for themselves and their loved ones, even as our society becomes increasingly troubled.

I have created an onboarding process to ensure a good fit between new members and the community. This might sound intimidating, but it is just a brief online conversation with your host, the Freedom Preacher.

Here’s how it works:

All you need to do is sign up for a Freedom Preacher Zoom Session. Since this will be your first session, you will receive the introductory price, which is approximately 50% off the regular price.

Before you join your first zoom session, you can schedule your free online interview with me, the freedom preacher. This will be approximately 20 to 30 minutes in length. During this session you can ask any questions you like about the zoom sessions and about the freedom preacher project in general. Since this is a private session, we will have an opportunity to briefly “get to know” each other just a bit, along with an idea of how comfortable we are with each other.

The important part of this session will be the opportunity for both of us to decide if we want to go further. If we both feel that you would enjoy and benefit from the Zoom sessions—as well as possibly becoming part of the freedom preacher community—you can join a freedom preacher zoom session (prepaid) at your convenience. I will provide you with instructions after our session.

Half price, and 100% risk-free

Alternatively, if either of us believes that it would not be a good fit, I will be happy to refund your payment for the introductory zoom session. I realize that the freedom preacher zoom sessions may not be for everybody. This “no risk” interview should be a great way to find out if you would enjoy it without risking anything but a few minutes of your time.

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Freedom Preacher Interview AND Introductory Zoom Session!

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Freedom Preacher Interview AND Introductory Zoom Session!

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Please check back as our email newsletter service will be available soon. Thanks for your interest!