Our world is broken. Don’t let it break you.

Freedom Preacher

Our world is broken. Don’t let it break you.

Getting Along, Part 3: How the Freedom Preacher can help


My goal as the Freedom Preacher is to help us rebuild the habit of getting along with each other.

Getting along: How the Freedom Preacher can help

My goal as the Freedom Preacher is to help us rebuild the habit of getting along with each other.

In this article I will explain some of the ways I hope to accomplish this. Before I begin, however, I will summarize two important points:

  1. Why getting along with others is so important
  2. Why I believe this ability can be improved

Why it’s important

Interacting with others peacefully and productively — getting along — is absolutely essential for a civilized society. Among its many benefits, perhaps the most important is the increased efficiency of mutually beneficial interactions. Life is, by definition, an endless series of challenges. We stand a better chance of meeting these challenges when we are not wasting time and energy bickering (and worse) with each other.

Getting along, Part One: It’s a Survival Skill

Why it’s possible

One of the enduring mythologies of our existence is the idea that we humans are just inherently combative and aggressive. This has long been used as justification by those wanting to control us. According to this narrative, learning to genuinely and consistently get along with each other is just not in the cards for us.

This idea may work well for those who prefer — and benefit from — our conflict-ridden status quo, but I disagree. In fact, of all the damage done by our toxic society, our weakened but improvable ability to get along with each other is one that offers the most opportunity for improvement.

Getting along, Part Two: Why Don’t We?

“Getting Along” Defined

It might also be helpful to talk about what “getting along” does not mean. It does not mean simply shutting up about things you don’t like but don’t want to discuss or start an argument over.

“Getting Along” Defined

It might also be helpful to talk about what “getting along” does not mean. It does not mean simply shutting up about things you don’t like but don’t want to discuss or start an argument over.

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